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"Journeys: Extraordinary Explorations" are LADATCO's designed programs seamlessly combining all the necessities of logistics with the overland journeys operated by explora, named "travesias".
explora is known for their lodges in Patagonia, Atacama and Easter Island where you explore specific areas in complete comfort: gourmet cruisine, open bar and a menu of excursions, from easy to challenging. explora's focus is to get you to slow down and immerse yourself in the immediate area.
Here is the description of explora's "travesias" - in their own words:
Our travesías are unique trips that we have offered since 2005 for those who have traveled extensively and seek new experiences.
Our nomadic journeys are multi-day trips through diverse and remote regions that are extraordinarily beautiful -- yet little-known. During the journey we will cross international borders and lodge in accommodations specifically designed for explora, in a simple yet comfortable style. We will also enjoy high-quality cuisine created to satisfy the physical demands of the trip, along with good conversation.
We use well-equipped vans with satellite communication for groups of up to 6 people, accompanied by an expert guide, chef and support staff. Each journey starts or ends at one of our hotels in the Atacama Desert or in Patagonia.
"Journeys: Extraordinary Explorations" gets you to these overland multi-day trips and back home again without missing something of importance.
Example: enroute to Uyuni for the Uyuni to Atacama overland journey, logistics necessitate getting to Potosi in Bolivia, so en route why not visit:
- La Paz, highest acting capital in the world
- Lake Titicaca, world's highest navigable lake
- Sucre, Bolivia's legislative capital
- Potosi, where enough silver was mined, legend says, to build a bridge of silver back to the Old World and carry enough silver over it to make Spain very wealthy.
And after the "travesias", end your Journey in UNESCO designated Valparaiso, on the Pacific and just over an hour to Santiago's airport, before returning back to the States.
These are the extra superlatives that makes explora's "travesias" into LADATCO's "Journeys: Extraordinary Explorations".
So pick your Journey and have an extraordinary exploration to, in and through some of the world's extraordinary places.