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DESERT About the
driest desert on earth |
Stretching over 765
miles north from the Rio Copiapo to the border with Peru, the Atacama Desert is considered
worldwide as the driest on earth. Rainfall is so minimal (if at all) that it is not even
measurable. What used to be sea bottom a few million years ago is now sand, dunes, salt lakes and bizarre rock formations changing colors as the sun moves over them. In the heart of this desert is the village of San Pedro, at an altitude of 7,000 feet and surrounded by a green oasis. Many years ago it was considered the center of a Paleolithic civilization that built impressive rock fortresses on steep mountains encircling the valley. With narrow streets and a church constructed in 1577, San pedro is a step back into the Spanish colonial times and even earlier at the Father Le Paige Museum which chronicles man for 10,000 years. The area around San Pedro is filled with interesting sites:
WHERE TO STAY San Pedro de Atacama